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invoice voiding is here

Made a mistake? No worries. Invoicing voiding is here.

Ready to streamline your invoicing experience? Try TrulySmall™ Invoices for free!

When you’re running a small business and balancing a bunch of different tasks, flexibility and adaptability are crucial. Mistakes can happen and when they do, it’s important to have an easy way to hit the “undo” button. Specifically when it comes to financial transactions, small business owners often encounter situations where an issued invoice needs adjustment—be it due to errors, discrepancies, or unforeseen circumstances.

In these instances, the ability to void an invoice becomes a critical feature that will help you rectify mistakes, maintain accurate financial records, and uphold transparency with your clients. Now within TrulySmall Invoices, you’ll have access to the “Cancel and Void’ feature! This feature will help you quickly void the invoice and notify your client about the change with just one tap.

Invoice voiding

How to void an invoice

If you’re looking to void an existing invoice, here’s how

  1. Select the invoice you want to void
  2. Click the menu in the upper-right corner (the 3 dots)
  3. Click ‘Cancel & Void’
  4. Add a note to your email notification that we’ll send to your client (optional)
  5. Click ‘Cancel & Void’

And voila! The invoice will be removed from your main Invoices list and we’ll send out an email to your client letting them know the invoice has been voided.

If you ever want to see your voided invoices, head to the Invoices list, click the filter icon and you can filter to all of your voided invoices.

When does voiding invoices come in handy?

Although it seems like a simple feature, invoice voiding actually comes in handy in a variety of situations:

  1. Typos and Errors: although we try our best to avoid typos, sometimes they can be inevitable. Invoice voiding allows you to swiftly correct any spelling mishaps, numerical errors, or other inadvertent mistakes
  2. Quantity Adjustments: Whether it’s an additional service or a revised quantity, voiding an invoice lets you make adjustments seamlessly, ensuring your clients are billed accurately
  3. Pricing Updates: If a pricing discrepancy slips through, voiding comes to the rescue. It allows you to update prices and ensure your clients receive accurate and transparent billing information.
  4. Service Modifications: Sometimes, services evolve or change post-invoicing. Voiding enables you to reflect these modifications without the need for complicated workarounds.
  5. Client-Specific Adjustments: For personalized client arrangements, such as discounts or special terms, voiding an invoice facilitates the implementation of these adjustments, promoting transparent and amicable dealings.
  6. Canceled or Returned Orders: In the event of a canceled or returned order, voiding the original invoice simplifies the process of issuing a corrected document, maintaining clarity in your financial records.
  7. Credit Note Issuance: Voiding serves as a precursor to issuing credit notes. Whether it’s for returned goods or other credit situations, voiding sets the stage for clear and accurate financial documentation.

Start invoicing confidently knowing that TrulySmall has your back! If you have any questions about invoicing voiding or any other feature, our support team is always available! Just email us at support@trulysmall.com.

Try TrulySmall Invoices for free

Did you know that using invoicing software not only helps you to get paid faster but also reduces your invoicing costs by 29%? Start sending invoices free today with TrulySmall™ Invoices!