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TrulySmall Invoices: Everything you need to get paid faster

Ready to streamline your invoicing experience? Try TrulySmall™ Invoices for free!

We’ve been there. The long workdays, the stress headaches, and bothering your friends and family to validate your business idea and to get some sort of confirmation that you’re on the right path.

Running a truly small business is never easy. There are so many aspects of managing a business that you’ve probably never considered—who knew going into designing or consulting would end up making you an accountant and marketer as well?

Even though there are tons of tools available for “small businesses” they always end up over-complicating the process and requiring extra time to set up or learn; time that you didn’t have in the first place.

TrulySmall™ Invoicing- Everything you need to get paid faster

We had ONE JOB

TrulySmall™ Invoices was created with ONE JOB. To help you get paid faster. And that’s exactly what we do.

Who has time to create a custom branded invoice these days? Not to mention the extra time required to duplicate the invoice each time, enter a new invoice number (“what was the last invoice number I used?”), and re-enter all your client and project information.

Time is your most valuable resource and it’s important to find tools that will boost your productivity and make your workflow more efficient, rather than hinder it.

Professionalism Made Easy

In a study conducted by Lucidpress in 2019, they found that brand consistency not only ensures that your values, image, reputation, and messaging is even across the board, it even has an effect on your revenue.

Consistent presentation of a brand has been seen to increase revenue by 33%, as consistent branding helps a customer to build trust, position your business, and remember your brand. Make it easy for your customers to recognize your invoice by adding your logo and branding. This helps them easily identify your invoice while also helping you provide a professional customer experience from start to finish.

A good invoicing tool should make it easy for you to personalize your invoice by providing the ability to upload your logo. You should also be able to customize fields like your tax amount, what services you provide, payment terms, discounts, and more. Having all of the details clearly stated in your invoice makes it a fail-proof document to ensure your clients know exactly what to do, how to pay and remind them of the great work you provided.

Time-Saving Workflow Shortcuts

Invoice templates are great, but having to manually enter your client information and other fields each and every time your invoice, can take up unnecessary time out of your busy workday. This may seem like a simple task, but when you’re sending out multiple invoices a day, it becomes a lengthy and repetitive process.

If you have ongoing projects or long-term clients, you should only have to enter their information once so that you can easily create additional invoices as time goes on. Having customer data saved in the cloud also ensures that you have their information on hand whenever you need them.

Save time with calculations as well by using tools that support multi-currency. If you’re a creative (or just hate numbers), the last thing you want to do is calculate your totals, discounts, taxes, and currency exchange rates yourself while risking human error on your invoices.

Once payment has been received, you’ll need to record the payment so that invoices will be marked as paid. This should take no more than one click to mark the full payment, or a few short clicks to record partial payments (more on partial payments soon!)

Sending the Invoice

Whether you’re on-the-go or at the office, sending your invoice should be easy to do and don’t require more than one app/tool. Again, invoice templates are awesome, but this means you’re either having to print out the invoice to deliver by hand or by mail or using one tool to edit and another to send. This process takes longer than needed and can be efficiently reduced by using the right invoicing tool.

When you send an invoice using an invoicing tool, it also allows you to ensure that your data, customer information, and invoices are safely stored in the cloud. Never worry about a corrupted or broken (or worse, LOST) file again, and access your information at any time from anywhere!

We’re working on it!

We’re so excited to continue to build out TrulySmall™ Invoices this year. If you’re ready to start invoicing NOW, you can head to our Appstore page or Google Play Store page to download the app!

Who Is TrulySmall?

We are a small team that creates tools to help truly small businesses right at the beginning of their journey, right when they need it the most. Our first tool, TrulySmall™ Invoices is an affordable and easy to use invoicing built to help businesses get paid faster. Send an invoice totally free today by downloading our app on the Apple Appstore or Google Play Store.


Did you know that using invoicing software not only helps you to get paid faster but also reduces your invoicing costs by 29%? Start sending invoices free today with TrulySmall™ Invoices!